Marketing & Consultancy

Product management, product training, sales support, new business development









Musictrades is owned by Ferry verhoeve, which has over thirty years of experience in sales and marketing, especially in the musical instruments and professional audio industry.
Ferry has exclusively represented and introduced brands in the Dutch market such as EMU, Art, Sound projects, Tech 21 (SANSAMP) ADAS and Hof Audio.
As account manager for several Dutch and foreign importers, brands such as Korg, Mackie, Turtle Beach, Soundforge, Soundcraft, JBL, Warwick, Studio Logic and Casio were represented. Between 2007 and 2011, Ferry was responsible for the sales national and international of the Tipbook series and between 2003 and 2012 he also provided the advertisement acquisition and the public relations for the Musicians Magazine Musicmaker.

Audio has always been a passion, from the end of the Seventies, Ferry had its own studio and recorded and produced dozens of albums. From this expertise he started building and furnishing studios and giving workshops and masterclasses in the early nineties.
In 2005, Ferry has been focused on mastering albums and singles, which he still does, with a lot of fun today.







Between 2014 and 2017, Ferry has taken a break to learn aboutinternet marketing and the new media techniques such as streaming, social media and video and developing platforms on the World Wide Web.

“I’m all set to make my knowledge and experience available to companies in the professional music instrument and audio branch. The world has changed and certainly for the various music shops and distributors who are active on the local and international market. The consumer is going to buy more and more directly from the manufacturer (s) and search for direct lines. ” says Ferry. “The customer is looking for good information, fast delivery and the best price. I would like to participate in setting up a greater diversity of suppliers (retailers) who, in addition to qualitative information, personal service and adequate and fast delivery,  also offer a good price, this will result in satisfaction  for both the consumer, the supplier and the Wholesalers. ” With the start of, Ferry, together with some other partners, has initiated a musicians platform thatconnects  the online searching musician and the local musical instruments suppliers.

“I am freelance available per project, this can be a can be a product introduction, including training for resellers, but also as an account manager at trade shows, national and international, including set up on the show floor.
For years I visited both the FrankfurterMesse and NAMM in Los Angeles to search for brands  who had no representation in the Benelux and then introduces those parties to the best distributor available in the benelux. Because of my large network I always met new interesting partners, also for Product Scouting I am therefore employable. “

Ferry charges an all inclusive daily rate and can be used on a project basis.

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